The Chase

In my work I am always reaching for the elusive synthesis of truth and beauty. The glimmers keep me in the chase.

The chase is the juice and joy of life. It is purpose.

I’m not wired to view painting as a recreation. I would not describe my painting process as relaxing.  Compelling and curiosity filled would be a better choice of words.  I feel compelled to create each new painting and curiously listen to the conversation my paints and brushes have with the canvas.  I approach each painting with intensity and focus. Always chasing that idea or feeling that cannot be described with words.

In my heart, I believe the chase is our creative spirit getting a chance to be expressed and realized.

I still wake up most days absolutely mystified that I attempt to do this by smearing pigments and oil around on a stretched piece of cloth.  But I’m deeply grateful. I’ve got a lot of work to do with this life and means of expression that I have.

Detail of Poet
Oil on canvas 60″x36″
Thank you Randolph D. Schuder for being an amazing model all these years and more importantly for the daily inspiration you give me by sharing your journey as you step to the other side of the easel.