November 24, 2012

You don’t have to be too old to look back on your life and think… “Whew! That situation could have really gone wrong, turned out badly, and changed the course of my life” We’ve all had them and it is easy to remember these type of near misses. (ya know… airplane engine exploding in mid flight, man pulling a gun on your late night subway platform, etc.)

What is easier to forget, but important to remember, are the times things did actually turn out badly and you became a better person for it. As years pass, some of these are not even recognizable as situations gone wrong because the ultimate outcome was so unexpectedly positive.

Today I’m feeling thankful for those near misses that taught me to respect life for how fragile it really is and for those actual misses (where I didn’t actually die or I wouldn’t be posting this) that helped me become the person that I am today.

Life is so cool!