October 19, 2012 Achieved a perfect shade of pink lemonade pink today. (Always a bigger challenge with hair dye than oil paint.)
October 13, 2012 Had the privilege of touring the exhibit and dining with artist Robert Schefman. (here w one of his paintings). His paintings are spectacular and it was inspiring to learn about his work and journey. If Robert gets around to writing a biography that includes anecdotal accounts of his decades of working with
Art Delivery
October 10, 2012 Delivering a commissioned painting today. I had no idea, but it turns out today is their anniversary! Such serendipitous timing! I hope my painting adds a little more joy to their already special day.
On the Easel Today
September 5, 2012 On the easel today – so far untitled Wondering if I can finish this one up tomorrow. I was missing my old Red Riding Hood with Target bag painting and decided to paint this smaller variation – hopefully destined for NY.
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Making Travel Plans for 2012 Contemporary Realism Biennial
Received a great reminder email today to book my trip to Fort Wayne IN for the 2012 Contemporary Realism Biennial. Along with the reminder I received some nice installation photo’s for the Curator of American Art. I also included a photo of my artwork getting friendly with the other artwork in the exhibit. 🙂
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Be Remarkable
Be remarkable today. Say, do, inspire, share, create, be, write, perform, conceive something worth remarking on.