February 17, 2013 Such a moving piece Ming. I look forward to reading Survival Girls when it’s out. Thanks so much for the mention re: The Better Bombshell. It’s an honor to be a part of the project and an honor to know you and your work as well. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ming-holden/redefining-the-female-role-model_b_2683122.html
February 16, 2013 Amazing show – From Motion to Stillness – curated by Didi Menendez and Surgio Gomez opened in Chicago last night! I would have loved to have been there to meet these amazing artists and see their work in person. If you’re in Chicago be sure to check it out. http://tullman.blogspot.com/2013/02/from-motion-to-stillness-show-opens-in.html
February 15, 2012 Thanks Jen and Congratulations Siolo Thompson and Charlotte Austin on the spectacular launch of The Better Bombshell. What an honor to be a part of the extraordinary project!!! See you all tonight at The Better Bombshell cocktail reception at the Ghost Gallery 5-7, FREE and chock full of wonderful art and writing!
February 14, 2012 The Better Bombshell is kicking off a national book tour following the big black tie launch gala this evening. If you’re in the Seattle area here are the book release events planned for this weekend. Hope to see you there. For more information on launch events or to order your copy check
February 13, 2013 My dear loving husband Michael, I’m sorry there will be no candlelight romantic dinner this Valentines Day. I will be speaking to a room filled with 250+ people to celebrate the launch of an exciting new book – The Better Bombshell. But think of it this way… either way you would be