I am beyond thrilled and honored to share some exciting news—my work will be featured in Artianne Magazine’s inaugural issue! This milestone marks the first time my art will be showcased to readers and art enthusiasts in South Korea and Japan. Published in English, Korean, and Japanese, Artianne aims to bridge artistic conversations across cultures, and I couldn’t be more excited to be part of this journey.
For years, I’ve drawn inspiration from a diverse array of artistic traditions, but this opportunity to present my work in an international publication feels like a pivotal moment. South Korea and Japan, both with incredibly rich art histories, are places I have long admired for their innovation and deep cultural reverence for the arts. To have my work reach audiences in these countries is not only an honor but also an exciting step toward expanding my creative dialogue across borders.
South Korea in particular has a vibrant contemporary art scene, and I can’t wait to see how my work will resonate with new audiences there. Thank you to Artianne for this wonderful opportunity, and stay tuned—there’s so much more to follow!
와우, 와우, 와우! 저는 이번 소식을 전하게 되어 너무 기쁘고 영광입니다. 제 작품이 Artianne 매거진의 창간호에 실릴 예정입니다! 영어, 한국어, 일본어로 발행되는 이 매거진을 통해 처음으로 제 작품이 한국과 일본의 미술 애호가들에게 소개됩니다. 너무나 기대됩니다!
Keep an eye out for updates as the magazine goes live! This journey is just beginning, and I’m excited to see where it takes me and my art.
Other artists featured from around the world include
Kuang CHU, David COHEN, Mitsutaka KONAGI, Claudia AMMIRATA, Mark ENGEL, Yasaman AGHILI, Darian THOMPSON, Sela LIN, Jade BUTAY, Lifu HU, R Dugger HOUSTON, Pyry LUMINEN, Spenser BOWER, Danyang SONG, Hyunsok LEE, Lukas DRYSDALE, Emerald SKYE, Amanda ZHENG, Marisa BAZAN